When you give, you support the work we do in your community as well as around the world.
Kiwanis Club of Bonita Foundation is an IRS 501(c)3 charitable organization.
We use 100% of our foundation funding to support charitable expenses.
Your donation will help to buy books to distribute throughout grade schools across the county.
Community Programs and Projects:
- "Red Shoe Day" supporting Ronald McDonald House
- Donate Thanksgiving & Christmas food baskets to deserving families
- Scholarships to seniors at Palomar HS (at-risk students)
- Provide school supplies to deserving families
- Charter (sponsor) Cub Scout Pack 863
- Bring hot meals and donated clothing and supplies to Stand Up for Kids and Youth Assistance Coalition
- We created and maintain the "Welcome to Bonita" sign on Bonita Road
- Participate in Chula Vista's "Christmas in October" program
- Organizational participating membership in the Bonita Historical Society and Museum
Serving South San Diego area neighborhoods and schools
Bonita, CA 91902
United States of America