Help us to provide a meal and needed donations for homeless youth in San Diego. Once a month we take a hot meal and carry-out food plus donated clothing and survival on the streets stuff to two worthy organizations:
- Stand Up For Kids (https://www.standupforkids.org/san-diego/)
- Youth Assistance Coalition (https://www.yacsd.org/)
Both of the above organizations (look them up) support homeless teens+ in the San Diego area. Most are runaways from abusive homes. Then live on the streets. The most common means of survival are prostitution, drug sales, or theft. A few of the young women will have a small child.
The goal of these organizations is to get them back on their feet; either reunited with family, or employed and self-supported.
The Kiwanis Club of Bonita does what it can to help out. On the first Wednesday of each month we take enough hot meals to feed 45+ kids plus clothing, blankets, jackets, shoes, whatever will help in a cold, rainy environment.
How You can help:
- Provide any of the above.
- Any food: canned, boxed, candy bars, power snacks, street food (apples, snack bars, oranges, and the like.
- (new) socks, belts, underwear (everyone loves boxer shorts), tee shirts, PJ's, sweat shirts, sweat pants, you name it. What would YOU want on a cold and rainy night?
- Any tents or sleeping bags.
- Contact Bonita Kiwanis and we will deliver it!